Si è distinto come ricercatore essendo riuscito a pubblicare, prima dei suoi 35 anni, ripetutamente sulle più prestigiose riviste psichiatriche internazionali (Es. American Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry) dimostrando una costanza nella sua produzione scientifica che gli ha permesso di superare le 200 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali con Impact Factor (Journal of Citation Report) con un Impact Factor globale (JCR 2021) superiore a 1300 punti , una media IF di 6 e un indice di citazioni scientifiche H-Index pari a 55/45 (Google Scholar/Scopus). 
Nel corso della sua carriera ha ricevuto riconoscimenti nazionali e internazionali tra cui L’European Neuropsychopharmacology Fellowship Award (2007). Ha partecipato in qualità di co-investigator a progetti di ricerca finanziati dal Ministero per l’Università e la Ricerca Scientifica e attualmente è il Principal Investigator in una ricerca quadriennale finanziata dalla Fondazione Cariplo “Are Anxiety Disorders associated with cognitive decline and Molecular mechanisms of dementia? A multi-centric Italian study in middle-aged and older patients and controls”. 

Nel 2017-oggi, l’agenzia di rating Expertscape (www.expertscape.com), mediante una valutazione oggettiva della produzione scientifica degli ultimi 10 anni, lo ha identificato come il 1° classificato in Italia e in Europa e 2° nel mondo come esperto nel Disturbo di Panico. 

Pubblicazioni selezionate

Perna G, Bertani A, Arancio C, Ronchi P, Bellodi L: Laboratory dissection of Obsessive Compulsive and Panic Disorders: data from the 35% CO2 challenge. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152:85-89, 1995

Perna G, Brambilla F, Arancio C, Bellodi L: Menstrual cycle-related sensitivity to 35% CO2 challenge in panic disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 37: 528-532,1995

Perna G, Cocchi S, Bertani A, Arancio C, Bellodi L: 35% CO2 challenge in healthy first degree relatives of patients with panic disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152: 623-625, 1995

Perna G, Bertani A, Caldirola D, Bellodi L: Family history of panic disorder and hypersensitivity to CO2 in panic disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153: 1060-1064, 1996

Perna G, Bertani A, Politi E, Colombo G, Bellodi L: Asthma and panic attacks. Biological Psychiatry, 42 : 625-630, 1997

Perna G, Ieva A, Caldirola D, Bertani A, Bellodi L: Respiration in children at risk for panic disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59: 185-6, 2002

Perna G, Favaron E, DiBella D, Bellodi L: Anti-Panic Efficacy of Paroxetine and Polymorphism within the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene. Neuropsychopharmacology, 30(12):2230-5, 2005

Perna G, Guerriero G, Caldirola D. Emerging drugs for panic disorder. Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs, 2011;16:631-45

Perna G, Guerriero G, Brambilla P, Caldirola D. Panic and brainstem: clues from Neuroimaging studies. CNS Neurological Disorders Drug Targets, 13:1049-56, 2014.

Perna G., Vanni G., Di Chiaro V, Cavedini P, Caldirola D. Childhood trauma, temperament and character in subjects with Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202 :695-8, 2014.

Perna G, Schruers K, Alciati A, Caldirola D. Novel investigational therapeutics for panic disorder. Expert Opinion On Investigational Drugs, 24: 491-505, 2015.

Caldirola D, Perna G. Is there a role for pharmacogenetics in the treatment of panic disorder?. Pharmacogenomics, 17: 1-4, 2015.

Perna G, Iannone G, Alciati A, Caldirola D. Are anxiety disorders associated with accelerated aging? A focus on neuroplasticity. Neural Plasticity, 2016, Article ID 8457612, 19 pages

Perna G, Alciati A, Riva A, Micieli W, Caldirola D. Long-term pharmacological treatments of anxiety disorders. An updated systematic review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2016 Mar;18(3):23.

Caldirola D, Schruers K, Nardi AE, De Berardis D,  Fornaro M, Perna G. Is there cardiac risk in panic disorder? An updated systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016 Apr;194:38-49.

Perna G, Daccò S, Sacco F, Micieli W, Cavedini P, Caldirola D. Short-tem psychiatric rehabilitation in major depression and bipolar disorders: neuropsychological-psychosocial outcomes. Psychiatry Investigation, 2017;14:8-15.
Perna g, Alciati A, Balletta R, Mingotto E, Diaferia G, Cavedini P, Nobile M, Caldirola D. Is there room for second-generation antipsychotics in pharmacotherapy of panic disorder? A systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016; 17: 551.

Perna G, Grassi M, Caldirola D, Nemeroff CB. The revolution of personalized psychiatry: will technology make it happen sooner? Psychological Medicine, Oct 2:1-9, 2017

Perna G & Caldirola D. Management of treatment resistant panic disorder. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 4: 371-386, 2017.
Caldirola D, Alciati A, Riva A, Perna G. Are there advances in pharmacotherapy for panic disorder? A systematic review of the past five years. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 19: 1357-1368, 2018.
Perna G and Caldirola D. Is panic disorder a disorder of physical fitness? A heuristic proposal. F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):294
Perna G, Cavedini P, Riva A, Di Chiaro N, Bellotti M, Diaferia G, Caldirola D. The role of spatial store and executive strategy in spatial working memory: a comparison between patients with obsessive‒compulsive disorder and controls. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 24:14-27, 2019.
Caldirola D., and Perna G., "Toward a personalized therapy for panic disorder: preliminary considerations from a work in progress”. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment,15:1957-70, 2019.

Caldirola D, Cuniberti F, Daccò S, Grassi M, Torti T & Perna G. Predicting new-onset psychiatric disorders throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning approach Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2022, 34(3):233-246.

Daccò S, Caldirola D, Grassi M, Alciati A, Perna G, Defillo A. High prevalence of major depression in US Sleep Clinics: The need for routine depression screening in sleep services. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2023 Apr 1;19(4):835-836