The choice and career dedicated to research, teaching and care of people with emotional disorders and anxiety arises since high school, when I developed a strong interest in philosophy and psychology, particular attention was paid to the Greek classics , to Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud. After high school, I decided to become a medical doctor and during the studies a passion increasingly oriented to the understanding of the most complex and fascinating organ of the human being, his brain, captured my attention. The meeting with the psychiatric department of San Raffaele has directed and guided my training through involvement in scientific research that has became passion and indispensable guide of my clinical and teaching choices. Over the years, at San Raffaele, I met colleagues stimulating and I learned to adapt and lead a research group under the supervision of Prof. Laura Bellodi and Prof. Francesca Brambilla managing to publish on the world's most authoritative scientific journals and refining increasing my clinical and teaching skills . Like any good "son" I also tried the independence to grow, here comes the choice of leaving the San Raffaele and joining Hospitalles Sisters that welcome the challenge of creating a center of excellence for clinical and scientific at the Casa di Cura Villa San Benedetto Menni near Lake Como. Meanwhile, my network of international contacts has strengthened my teaching experience having taught at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and Miami University in the U.S. as well as in various Italian Universities . Over the past few years, thanks to the collaboration and support of a team of excellence, we have created a Department able to accept the challenges that the future promises, challenges, whose ultimate goal is the protection of freedom and well-being of the many people still trapped in the cage of mental illness. Aware of the fundamental role of scientific research and of teaching for the development of psychiatry since 2018, I started my collaboration with Humanitas Group, being appointed Professor of Psychiatry for Humanitas University and being the Founder and Head of the Center for Personalized Medicine for Anxiety and Panic Disorders at Humanitas Sanpio X & Humanitas Medical Care Murat in Milan.